
Notice of Ownership

Gabriel Dupon, and Dupon Photography ("Us") are the owners of all images, videos, and content on this website with the following exceptions.

  • Unless otherwise stated.
  • Blog posts may contain stock images, screenshots, images for educational purposes, or other content from third parties, and may or may not be attributed.
  • "As seen in" logos and/or third-party trademarks are not the property of Us.
  • This website was built using a website builder called Pixieset.

All photos captured are the property of Gabriel Dupon with Dupon Photography LLC and will remain his/their property and are protected under United States Copyright Laws (USC Title 17). 

This website's content (UI design, html code, text, photos, etc.) must not be downloaded or reproduced. You’re also aware that claiming any ownership, income, editorial control, or using the images in any other capacity is against the Copyright act. This is considered theft and is against federal law. Violators of this federal law will be subject to its civil criminal penalties.

If you want to use any text or images created by the digital creator or Us, you must have written permission from the sole member of Dupon Photography LLC and/or the appropriate copyright holder. Please contact Gabriel Dupon if you're interested in using any content found on this site.

You can learn more by visiting the United States Copyright Office at